Our Mission
Persons with disabilities are the best judges of the direction of their own lives. They must have the opportunity to rely on their own resources and ingenuity to acquire the rights and benefits to which they are entitled. Every person with a disability has the right to participate to the fullest extent in the economical and political life of the community.
Core Services

Provides individualized instruction in life skills by setting and achieving goals such as using public transportation, money management, social skills, attendant management, nutrition, and self-advocacy.

Facilitates the transition from nursing homes and other institutions to home and community based living; provides assistance to those at risk of entering an institution, and facilitates the transition of youth with disabilities into higher education, the workforce and the community.

Provides information about disability issues and referral to other agencies, which provide services to people with disabilities. This is available to the public and to consumers.

Strives to change policies to make government, transportation, and housing systems more accessible to people with disabilities.

Supporting people as they deal with emotional aspects of their disabilities in group and individual settings.